Installing libgist v.2.0/amdb v.1.0
Libgist was initially developed under Digital Unix with the g++
compiler and was ported to Solaris (both x86 and Sparc), Linux with
g++, and Windows NT 4.0 with Visual C++ 6.0. Since these platforms are
quite different, we expect the code to be somewhat portable, but have
not done extensive porting ourselves. Before you port libgist to other
platforms, please check the libgist home
page and see if anybody has done it for you already. If not, and
you succeed in porting, contact us at!
Note that libgist in independent of amdb (the reverse is not true), so
it's okay to install the joint distribution and only use libgist.
Amdb was developed under Intel Solaris with Sun's JDK (currently
supported versions: JDK 1.1.8 and Swing 1.1.1). It has also been
compiled and tested on Sparc Solaris, Windows NT, and Red Hat Linux
6.0 as well. The analysis features require the use of hMETIS, a
hypergraph paritioning package from the Univ. of Minnesota. This
package is available for several platforms as well. All of the GNU
software (GNU zip, GNU tar, GNU C++, GNU make, bison, flex) described
below is available from the usual free software repositories
We do not provide or support these packages; if they are not
installed on your computer, please ask your system administrator for
assistance. Note that these packages are very common and are often
available as precompiled executables for many operating systems
(including Win32).
UNIX Installation Guide
Either a zip package, or tar and GNU zip.
GNU C++ (g++) version 2.7.2 or higher (other versions may work, as may
other C++ compilers, but we have not tested any). GNU C++ version
2.95 has problems compiling libgist unless you use the -fpermissive flag.
GNU make: you may substitute make, but will need to rewrite the (simple)
Makefiles to suit.
Bison & flex: not actually required for libgist, but necessary in order
to compile the demonstration code. It is possible that yacc and lex may
be substituted, but we have not tested them.
Amdb has the following additional requirements:
Installing libgist
Edit the file in the src directory: change
the line AMDB = true to say false, if you do not want
to install amdb.
Edit the file Makefile.paths.. in the src
directory (where is the output of uname -s and is
the output of
uname -m; if you do not find such a file, copy one
of the existing examples): set the variables for the g++ include
and lib directory paths and the path to g++ itself. If you want
to use amdb, you must also set the paths to the JDK and Swing installations
as well as the paths to the JDK include directories.
Set the LIBGISTHOME environment variable to the root of the libgist directory
Run gmake cmdline from the src directory -- it will recursively
make libgist, the pre-packaged extensions and the command line driver program,
If you want to run some test scripts to make sure everything is working,
and type ./runtests. If nothing suspicious comes up on the screen,
your installation has passed the tests.
Libraries and executables will be left with their sources. If you
wish to install them elsewhere, you will need to do so by hand.
gistcmdline is located under the
bin directory.
The lib directory contains libgist.a and the prepackaged
libbtree.a, librtree.a.
Installing amdb
Install JDK, Swing, and hMETIS and make sure that libgist is installed
and working.
Make the hMETIS executable accessible from your PATH variable.
Run gmake amdb from the src directory.
Add $LIBGISTHOME/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
The script amdb in the $LIBGISTHOME/bin directory will
run amdb.
Windows NT/95/98 Installation Guide
Visual Studio C++ 6.0
Amdb has the following additional requirements
Installing libgist and amdb
Install JDK, Swing, and hMETIS
Make sure you have the Visual C++ variable set.
Go into the libgist\src\ directory
Edit amdbvars.bat to point to the appropriate
Open an MS-DOS session
Type amdbvars.bat
Type cc2cpp.bat
Type make all. It will recursively make libgist,
and amdb.
If you want to make sure everything is running okay
Go into the libgist\tests\ directory
Type You will need a perl package
to run this script.
Type amdb to start amdb.
Debugging libgist/amdb from Visual Studio
Open the gist.dsw file in the src\projects\gist
Adjust the project settings on the amdb
Go to the Project Menu and click Settings.
Click on amdb on the left side.
Click on the Debug pane
In the drop down list select General
Set the executable to the java.exe
Set the working directory to the src\gui
Set the program arguments to:
-classpath <path to swingall.jar>;<path
to>;..\gui;..\treeview;..\amdbgist;..\analysis -mx64m -ms16m
In the drop down list select Additional DLLs
Add the amdb.dll module that is located under
the libgist lib directory.
Hit the Go button to start debugging
Comments, questions and suggestions may be directed to
Last modified: $Date: 2001/11/20 00:34:09 $ by $Author:
aoki $.