Guide to Writing Extensions

Table of Contents


This document explains how to extend libgist with new types of access methods (AMs). The extensions are written in C++ and complement the standard libgist class hierarchy. Before attempting to write extensions, you should know how to use libgist as an application programmer (refer to the libgist User Manual for the details).

Writing Structural Extensions

Overview of the Class Hierarchy

Libgist extensions are implemented through function tables, which are provided - true to the C++ style - in the form of classes and objects. Extension classes implement the general behavior of AMs, whereas an object of an extension class provides datatype-specific details. To give an example, consider the B-tree extension supplied as part of the standard libgist distribution. The extension class bt_ext_t implements the standard B-tree AM (with sorted nodes and partitioning of the key space by the BPs) without reference to any specific datatype. The extension object bt_int_ext adds integer-specific functions (mainly comparison and storage size computation) that complement the general behavior implemented by the class to create an integer B-tree extension. The extension object is implemented as a function table that can be used to create, update and query B-trees containing integer keys.

The original GiST publication [HNP95] specifies an extension interface that is relatively simple and assumes a node organization and node traversal algorithms similar to those of R-tree nodes (which store entries in an unordered, heap-like fashion on a page; as a result, every entry on a page must be checked when traversing the page or when looking for matches to a query). Libgist implements this simple interface and another, more low-level extension interface. The latter allows a derived extension class to implement a node layout that is tuned for the particular AM at hand. An example of this is again the B-tree extension, which implements ordered node entries in order to do binary search when checking for matching entries.

The following is an overview of the classes and their roles within libgist. The classes relevant for extension designers are gist_ext_t and gist_unordered_t.
gist Class for index objects, which also contains all the manipulation and query functions for indices.
gist_ext_t Low-level extension class, which specifies a node-action-oriented extension interface in order to allow the AM designer to tune the node layout.
gist_unorderedn_t Subclass of gist_ext_t, which implements an R-tree-style unordered node layout.In order to create an object of this class, an object of class gist_unordered_t must be supplied as a parameter.
bt_ext_t Subclass of gist_ext_t, which implements an ordered node layout. (Since this is tantamount to B-trees, we decided not to call this class gist_orderedn_t.)
gist_unordered_t Base class for the simple extension interface as described in the original GiST publication.
rt_ext_t Subclass of gist_unordered_t, which implements the traversal and node split behavior of R-trees.

In what follows, we will make reference to cursors and predicate cursors. The cursor abstraction is a standard concept in database systems, encapsulating the notions of a kind of file traversal (e.g., depth-first search of a tree) as well as the specific state (e.g., the current location within the file) corresponding to an instance of such a traversal. Libgist predicate cursors (gist_predcursor_t) are a specific realization of a cursor for a specific index node. Predicate cursors look like a C array containing the set of node entries that match the current search predicate. More detail on cursors and on writing specialized cursors can be found in the next section.

Simple Extension Interface

The simple extension interface implements the extension architecture described in the original GiST publication [HNP95]. This interface requires the extension implementor to supply four functions that support navigation for queries and updates and determine the overall physical structure of the index tree. The basis of the physical tree structure are nodes that store their items in an arbitrary order. Consequently, one of the core classes of the simple extension interface implements an unordered node structure (class gist_unorderedn_t). The interface functions themselves are encapsulated in the class gist_unordered_t (note the missing "n"!), which serves as the base class for extension classes that use the simple interface. The R-tree extension is an example of how the two core classes and the user-supplied extension class fit together. The following code snippet summarizes the class structure and the construction of one extension object.
class gist_ext_t {
class gist_unorderedn_t : gist_ext_t {
    gist_unorderedn_t::gist_unorderedn_t(const gist_unordered_t& fcts);
class gist_unordered_t {
class rt_ext_t : public gist_unordered_t {
gist_unorderedn_t bt_int_ext(rt_ext_t(...));
The R-tree example shows that: The class gist_unordered_t is a virtual class, which forces an extension subclass to provide implementations of the following procedures:
consistent(const void* query, const void* pred, int predlen, int level)
This function evaluates a predicate stored on an index page with respect to a query. The level within the tree of the page that contains the predicate is indicated by the level parameter. The pred parameter points to the part of an on-disk page entry that holds the predicate and the predlen parameter contains the storage size in bytes. The function must return true if the predicate is consistent with the query, otherwise false.
penalty(const void* bp, int bplen, int level, const void* key, int keylen, gist_penalty_t& p)
This function is used to locate a leaf node when inserting a new entry. Applied to the BP of an entry in an internal node and the predicate of the new entry, it computes the penalty for inserting the new entry into the subtree corresponding to the internal node's entry. The bp parameter points to the on-disk BP and the bplen parameter specifies its size in bytes. The key and keylen parameters point to the key of the new entry and its length in bytes, respectively.
union_bp(const gist_predcursor_t& pcursor, const gist_p& page, const vec_t& pred1, const vec_t& pred2, vec_t& bp, bool& bpChanged, bool bpIsValid)
This function computes the BP for a page and up to two additional predicates. It is called in the following scenarios:
union_key(void* bp, int& bplen, int level, const void* key, int keylen, bool& changed)
After inserting a new entry on a node, this function computes the node's new BP as the union of the old BP and the new key. The bp and key parameters point to the BP and the new entry's predicate, respectively, and the bplen and keylen parameters indicate their sizes in bytes. The level parameter indicates the level of the page for which the BP is updated.
union_page(void* bp, int& bplen, int level, gist_predcursor_t& pcursor, bool& changed)
After deleting an entry from a page, this function computes the node's new BP (possibly as the union of the remaining predicates on the page, although this is not required; in fact, partitioning trees will not change the BP). The set of predicates stored on the page is accessible through the gist_predcursor_t parameter pcursor, which contains an array elems of predicate pointer/predicate length pairs (the predicate pointers point directly to the data stored on the index nodes, and therefore must not be modified). The reference parameter changed must be set to true if the BP did change.
pickSplit(gist_predcursor_t& pcursor, int level, int rightEntries[], int& numRight, const void* oldBp, int oldlen, void* leftBp, int& leftlen, void* rightBp, int& rightlen)
This function determines how a split is performed on a page overflow by deciding which entries stay on the original node and which go on the new right sibling. This decision is based on the set of predicates stored on the page, which is passed in through the pcursor parameter (at this point, no direct information about the full size of the node entries is available; this will not be a limitation for the extension implementor, unless the data pointers on leaf pages are varying-length). The pcursor parameter also contains a reference to the predicate of the new entry that caused the overflow. The split information is returned through the rightEntries parameter, which contains the page positions (i.e., the slot indices) of those entries on the original page that go on the new right sibling (the numRight parameter contains the number of those entries). The page position of each entry is equal to the array index of the corresponding predicate in the pcursor parameter. In addition to providing the split info, the pickSplit function must also compute the new BPs of the original page and the new right sibling (returned through parameters leftBp and rightBp, which point to preallocated memory, and leftLen and rightLen, which must be set to their lengths in bytes). A pointer to the original BP stored in the node is provided by the oldBp parameter; this BP must not be modified.
check(const void* bp, int bplen, const void* pred, int predlen, int level)
This debugging function is called by gist::check() to test whether a node's BP "contains" all of its entries. It returns true if the BP contains the given entry, otherwise false. The parameters have the same meaning as those for union_key.
printPred(const void* pred, int predlen, int level)
This debugging function prints a predicate to stdout. The pred parameter points to on-disk data and must not be modified.
printData(const void* data, int datalen)
This debugging function prints a data pointer to stdout. The data parameter points to on-disk data and must not be modified.

Node-Layout Extension Interface

The node layout extension interface is the foundation of the libgist extension architecture; it differs from the simple extension interface in that it is an abstraction of the basic page-oriented actions like insertion and deletion of tuples, rather than the logical properties of the data. This gives the implementor control over how the predicates are stored on a node, so that storage format of predicates as well as node-oriented activities such as searching for matching predicates or searching for the minimum-penalty predicate can be tuned for the particular tree structure.

The extension implementor can design an extension class that utilizes the node layout extension interface in two ways:

  1. The extension is separated into three classes: a node layout class; a virtual base class that specifies the data-related aspects for that particular node layout; an implementation class for the extension itself, subclassed from the virtual base class. The design of the R-tree extension is an example that fits this mold: it is composed of a node layout (gist_unorderedn_t), a virtual base class (gist_unordered_t) and an R-tree implementation class (rt_ext_t). Factoring out the node layout in this fashion makes sense if the particular node layout could potentially be useful for other extensions as well.
  2. The extension class is a direct subclass of gist_ext_t, in which case the storage- and data-related aspects of the extension are handled by a single class. The B-tree extension is an example of a case which is designed this way.
A node layout requires the extension implementor to supply a subclass of gist_ext_t with the virtual functions of that class implemented. This subclass can utilize any of the gist_p (libgist page class, which is described in more detail in the next section) member functions for that purpose;. the implementation of the node layout is only restricted by a few assumptions that libgist makes about the contents and structure of a page and its entries (see the next section for the details). Other than that, the node layout class is free to arrange page entries in any order it desires and also compress the predicates in any way. This makes it possible to employ B-tree style predicate compression on internal nodes (where key intervals are only stored with one boundary, and the other boundary is stored in one of the neighboring entries) or represent tree structures on a page (where the nodes would be contained in page entries and the pointers to children could be the slot indices of those entries that contain the children). Although node layout classes are free to assign entries to slots arbitrarily, there are restrictions on when that assignment can be changed. In particular, slot indices must be stable from the time they are "reported to the outside world" until the next successful call to a page modification function. In other words, interface functions that only retrieve information from a page cannot modify the slot assignment (although they may modify entries).

The following are the interface functions that subclasses of gist_ext_t must implement. The parameters of class vec_t are vectors of data pointer/length (described in more detail in the next section as well).

insert(gist_p& page, const vec_t& key, const vec_t& data, shpid_t child)
Creates a new entry on a page and returns RCOK if it is successful and eRECWONTFIT if there is not enough space. If the entry is for a leaf page, the child parameter will be set to 0; if the entry is for an internal page, the data parameter will be empty (data.size() == 0).
remove(gist_p& page, int slots[], int numSlots)
Removes a number of entries, which are identified by their slot indices.
updateKey(gist_p& page, int& slot, const vec_t& key)
This function is only applied to internal nodes; it updates the predicate of the entry in slot slot with the new predicate given in key. If there is not enough space on the page, the function returns eRECWONTFIT without having changed the slot assignment of the original entry. If the function updates the entry successfully, it returns with RCOK and may change the slot assignment.
findMinPen(const gist_p& page, const vec_t& key, const vec_t& data, int& slot)
Finds the entry with the lowest penalty for inserting a new entry (given by parameters key and data) into the corresponding subtree. The index of that entry is returned through parameter slot.
search(gist_p& page, const void* query, int matches[], int& numMatches)
Searches the page for entries whose predicates are consistent with the parameter query and returns the slot indices of those entries in the parameter matches (matches has gist_p::max_scnt elements) and the number of matches found in numMatches.
getKey(gist_p& page, int slot, vec_t& key)
After locating matching entries on a leaf page, this function is called to convert the storage format of the predicates on the page to what the calling application expects. The parameter slot specifies a single entry from which to extract the predicate. The output parameter key receives that predicate (key.ptr(0) points to preallocated memory of size gist_p::max_tup_sz). If no decompression takes place, getKey can avoid the copy operation by setting key.ptr(0) to point to the on-page predicate. If decompression takes place (for example, when applying prefix compression to string keys in a B-tree), getKey must store the computed key in the memory pointed to by key.ptr(0) and set key.len(0) to the correct length (see the B-tree code in libbtree/ for an example of how to reset vec_t objects).
pickSplit(gist_p& page, int rightEntries[], int& numRight, const vec_t& oldBp, vec_t& leftBp, vec_t& rightBp, const vec_t& entry1, bool& oneGoesRight, const vec_t& entry2, bool& twoGoesRight)
This function determines how a split is performed by deciding which entries stay on the original node and which go on the new right sibling. The split info is returned through the rightEntries parameter, which contains the page positions (i.e., the slot indices) of those entries on the original page that go on the new right sibling (the numRight parameter contains the number of those entries). PickSplit also computes the new BPs of the original page and the new right sibling, which are returned through the parameters leftBp and rightBp, respectively. The new entry or entries that will be inserted on the page after the split may influence the split and the shape of the BPs. There may be two new entries, because an internal node will experience two insertions: one for the parent entry of the new child node and one for the parent entry of a split page (it was removed before the split when the update failed due to lack of space). They are passed in as parameters entry1 and entry2. If the page to be split is a leaf page, those vec_t parameters have two components: component 0 (<x>.ptr(0)) is the predicate and component 1 the data pointer; if the page is an internal node, the entries only contain a predicate as component 0. If only one entry is passed in, entry2.size() will be equal to 0. Aside from taking the new entries into account when computing the new BPs, pickSplit must also determine where these new entries go (original page or right sibling) after the split and returns this in the <x>GoesRight parameters.
union_page(gist_p& page, vec_t& bp, bool& changed)
This function is equivalent to the union_page function in gist_unordered_t, except that instead of a predicate cursor the page is passed in directly and the BP is passed in as a vec_t parameter. The function sets changed to true if the BP changed.
union_key(vec_t& bp, int level, const vec_t& pred, bool& changed)
check(const vec_t& bp, const vec_t& pred, int level)
printPred(const vec_t& pred, int level)
printData(const vec_t& data)
These functions are identical to their counterparts in gist_unordered_t, except that the predicate pointer and byte size are encapsulated in a vec_t parameter.

Ancillary Classes for the Node-Layout Extension Interface

There are two ancillary classes for the libgist extension designer: gist_p (header file gist_p.h), the index node class, and vec_t (header file - you might have guessed it - vec_t.h), which simplify dealing with pointer/length pairs.

Libgist makes the page structure and management functions of its index nodes available through the class gist_p. This class implements a simple slotted page organization (defined by page_s) - with a page header at the beginning and a slot directory at the end of the page - and specifies the format of the page entries. The entries have headers (structure keyrec_t), which contain the size in bytes of the predicate and the data pointer, as well as a child pointer (only useful for internal nodes). The entries are required to store the predicate and data pointer portions contiguously (but either one can have length 0). Also, the length info stored in the header must reflect the actual length of the predicate stored on the page, even if it is compressed and the expanded lengths deviate from the stored length. Class gist_p stores a header record and a BP on every page in the first and second available slot (only root pages do not contain a BP). Nevertheless, the data entries added to the page by the gist_p user still start at slot index 0, because the public member functions of gist_p automatically compensate for the header and the BP. Subclasses of gist_ext_t must use gist_p to implement the desired node layout and the entries of a node must have the keyrec_t header. Furthermore, every item on the page that has its own data or child pointer must have its own slot and header associated with it, so that both pointers are accessible via gist_p::rec(slotindex).elem() and gist_p::rec(slotindex).child(). (Unfortunately, this rules out storing duplicates as (pred, data ptr1, data ptr2, ...) lists; this might be fixed in a future version of libgist.) The constant gist_p::max_tup_sz specifies the maximum size that a predicate in a data entry is allowed to have.

Class vec_t is used frequently in the interfaces of gist_ext_t and gist_p to pass data pointer/length pairs or vectors of these pairs as a single parameter. The interfaces of vec_t and cvec_t (for vectors of constant pointer/length pairs) contain functions to construct vectors (in various flavors), reset and inspect the vectors (ptr and len).

Writing Search-Behavior Extensions

A somewhat more conceptual overview may be obtained by reading [HNP95, Aok98].

Cursor Abstractions

The cursor (gist_cursor_t) corresponds to the basic notions of a scan and its associated state. The application instantiates the cursor object directly, but the object cannot be used until it has been initialized. Among other things, this cursor initialization process creates an instance of the appropriate cursor extension object (gist_cursorext_t) and attaches it to its parent cursor. The relationship between a cursor and a cursor extension object is analogous to that of a GiST (gist) and its GiST extension object (gist_ext_t). That is, the cursor extension abstracts the customization interface from the cursor interface that is visible to the application.

The value of this abstraction is demonstrated by the following (exemplary) sequence of events. An application constructs a query object specified by user input (e.g., using the amdb_ext_t::parseQuery interface). The application instantiates a generic query cursor and initializes it using the user-specified query object. The initialization process automatically determines the type of traversal (e.g., depth-first search or nearest-neighbor search) from the query object and sets up the cursor data structure appropriately. The application can now retrieve records using the cursor. At no time during this process does the application itself have to know what data type or search semantics the user has specified.

We now restate the abstraction in terms of the code. The gist_cursorext_t objects are never made directly visible to the application. As mentioned above, cursor extension objects are instantiated when the cursor is initialized. Specifically, this happens when gist::fetch_init calls gist_ext_t::queryCursor with a specified gist_query_t query object. Subsequent operations are only invoked by various gist_ext_t methods (e.g., fetch).

Basic Cursor Implementations

The cursor instance contains pointers to its associated metadata (the extension object gist_ext_t, the query predicate object gist_query_t, etc.). It also provides a place for cursor implementations to store two kinds of information between invocations: the iterator (an object which stores the records yet to be visited) and any additional state (scratchpad information). While the iterator is just a particular kind of scratchpad state, it is useful to decouple the two because traversal order and the overall computation are often independent. For example, the notion of ``first n results'' search can be applied to either depth-first search or nearest-neighbor search (albeit with different semantics). The gist_cursor_t interface is specified in gist_cursor.h.

Libgist provides two kinds of iterators, both of which are also implemented in gist_cursor.h. The priority queue iterator (gist_prioq_t) provides the basic abstraction: node entries are inserted into the iterator and are then extracted in an arbitrary user-defined order. The user-defined orders are stored in an instance of type gist_penalty_t; node entries are extracted smallest-value-first. The lookup stack iterator (gist_lstk) is just a special case of the priority queue abstraction, but since stacks are used to implement a very common form of traversal (depth-first search), they are provided as a separate, low-overhead implementation option.

If you are writing a basic search tree that only uses depth-first search, your implementation of queryCursor need only return the generic stack-based cursor extension (the B-tree extension does exactly this in bt_ext_t::queryCursor). If your access method supports other functionality, you will need to provide customized cursor extension objects as described below.

Customized Cursor Extension Objects

The following material is only necessary for extenders who intend to write their own cursor extensions.

gist_cursorext_t is an abstract virtual class. This class (and its immediate subclasses) are defined in gist_cursorext.h. It defines two interfaces:

A given gist_cursorext_t may be applied to any gist_ext_t that contains the same pair of internal/leaf key types and supports the same query object. Just as a gist_ext_t corresponds to the 4-tuple {internal-type,leaf-type,query-type,AM} and contains the necessary ``system catalog'' information for that combination, a gist_cursorext_t corresponds to the 4-tuple {internal-type,leaf-type,query-type,iterator}.

We expect that most custom cursor extensions will be produced by subclassing gist_queue_cursorext_t. This is because gist_cursorext_t does not provide any iterator behavior and gist_stack_cursorext_t already provides all of the functionality needed any stack-based cursor extension. The gist_queue_cursorext_t class provides two user-extensible callbacks, one to store an instance of a specific data type in the priority queue and another to compute the priority with which that instance will be retrieved. For example, nearest-neighbor search can be easily implemented in this framework by providing a distance function as the priority callback.

Appendix A: Class Definitions

Appendix A.1: gist

class gist_cursor_t;
class gist_lstk;
class gist_ustk;
class gist_p;

class gist {



    // create an empty Gist
    rc_t                        create(
        const char*                 filename,
        gist_ext_t*                 ext);

    // open an existing Gist
    rc_t                        open(
        const char*                 filename,
        gist_ext_t*                 ext);

    rc_t                        close();
    rc_t                        flush(); 

    // insert a single key
    rc_t                        insert(
        const void*                 key, 
        const int                   keyLen,
        const void*                 dataPtr,
        const int                   dataPtrLen);

    // remove all keys matching the query
    rc_t                        remove(
        const void*                 query);

    // initialize the cursor
    rc_t                        fetch_init(
        gist_cursor_t&              cursor,
        const void*                 query);

    // fetch the next data item
    rc_t                        fetch(
        gist_cursor_t&              cursor,
        void*                       key,
        smsize_t&                   keyLen,
        void*                       dataPtr,
        smsize_t&                   dataPtrLen,
        bool&                       eof);

    // returns true if tree contains no data
    bool                        is_empty();

    // checks structural and data integrity of the tree;
    // outputs violations to stderr
    rc_t                        check();

    // dumps the content of a page to stdout;
    // if 0 is specified as the pgno, dumps out the tree
    rc_t                        dump(
        shpid_t                     pgno = 0);

Appendix A.2: gist_ext_t

class gist_predcursor_t;

class gist_penalty_t {
    const double max_penalty = MAXDOUBLE;

    gist_penalty_t() {}
    gist_penalty_t(double p) : p(p) {}
    double p; // a double must be enough

    bool operator<(const gist_penalty_t &pen) { return p < pen.p; }
    gist_penalty_t& operator=(const gist_penalty_t &pen) { p = pen.p; return *this; }

class gist_ext_t {

    // here are the node layout-specific routines

    // Create a new entry on a page.
    // Return eRECWONTFIT if the new entry does not fit on the page.
    virtual rc_t insert(
        gist_p& page,
        const vec_t& key,
        const vec_t& data,
        shpid_t child)
        = 0;

    // Remove a number of entries, identified by their slot indices.
    virtual rc_t remove(
        gist_p& page,
        int slots[],
        int numSlots)
        = 0;

    // For internal nodes only: update the key for the entry in the given slot.
    virtual rc_t updateKey(
        gist_p& page,
        int& slot, // in/out: old/new slot assignment
        const vec_t& newKey)
        = 0;

    // Find the entry with the lowest insertion penalty for the given key;
    // return the slot index in 'slot'.
    virtual void findMinPen(
        const gist_p& page,
        const vec_t& key,
        const vec_t& data,
        int& slot)
        = 0;

    // Search the page for entries matching the given query;
    // return their slot indices in 'matches'.
    virtual void search(
        gist_p& page,
        const void* query,
        int matches[],
        int& numMatches)
        = 0;

    // Return the key of the entry in the given slot. If a conversion/decompression
    // of the key takes place, the key is written into the memory pointed to by 
    // key.ptr(0).
    // If no conversion takes place, the key points to the buffered page.
    virtual void getKey(
        gist_p& page,
        int slot,
        vec_t& key)
        = 0;

    // Determine how to split the given node. The split info is the slot indices of
    // those entries that go to the right sibling. Make sure that rightEntries only 
    // contains the indices of existing slots. This procedure also calculates the 
    // new BPs (which have to be copied into left-/rightBp).
    // The new entry/-ies that will be inserted after the split are given in
    // entry1 and -2 (if they are leaf entries, the second component will hold the data
    // pointer); those need to be taken into consideration when calculating the BPs.
    // (if there's no second entry to be inserted, entry2.size() == 0). The caller also 
    // needs to know which page to insert each entry on; this information is returned
    // in *GoesRight.
    virtual rc_t pickSplit(
        gist_p& page,
        int rightEntries[],
        int& numRight,
        const vec_t& oldBp,
        vec_t& leftBp,
        vec_t& rightBp,
        const vec_t& entry1,
        bool& oneGoesRight,
        const vec_t& entry2,
        bool& twoGoesRight)
        = 0;

    // Compute the BP of the page after item(s) were deleted, given the prior
    // BP. 
    virtual void unionPage(
        gist_p& page,
        vec_t& bp,
        bool& bpChanged) // set to true if BP changed
        = 0; 

    // here are the datatype-specific routines

    // union the newly inserted pred to the BP;
    // the storage allocated for the bp is max_tup_sz;
    // indicate if BP changed;
    virtual void unionKey(
        vec_t& bp,
        int level, // level of page where BP is on
        const vec_t& pred,
        bool &bpChanged  // out: true if bp changed
    ) = 0;

    // Return true if the predicate is contained by the BP.
    // Used during gist_t::check() to verify the integrity of 
    // the node's content.
    virtual bool check(
        const vec_t& bp,
        const vec_t& pred,
        int level) // level of page
        = 0;

    virtual void printPred(
        const vec_t& pred,
        int level) // level of page where pred is stored
        = 0;

    virtual void printData(
        const vec_t& data)
        = 0;

Appendix A.3: bt_ext_t

class bt_ext_t : public gist_ext_t {

    // generic comparison function
    typedef int (*CmpFct)(const void *a, const void *b);
    CmpFct keyCmp; // for keys
    CmpFct dataCmp; // for data pointers

    // returns the size in bytes of a key stored on a disk page;
    // the goal is to get to the data pointer portion of an internal entry,
    // given the pointer to the key portion
    typedef int (*SizeFct)(const void *e);
    SizeFct size;

    // for printPred()
    typedef void (*PrintFct)(const void *pred);
    PrintFct prPred, prData;

    // for pickSplit() (creating new BPs)
    typedef void (*NegInftyFct)(void *x);
    NegInftyFct negInftyKey, negInftyData;

    bt_ext_t(CmpFct keyCmp, CmpFct dataCmp, SizeFct size, PrintFct prPred, PrintFct prData,
        NegInftyFct negInftyKey, NegInftyFct negInftyData) :
        keyCmp(keyCmp), dataCmp(dataCmp), size(size), prPred(prPred), prData(prData),
        negInftyKey(negInftyKey), negInftyData(negInftyData) {};

    rc_t insert(
        gist_p& page,
        const vec_t& key,
        const vec_t& data,
        shpid_t child);

    rc_t remove(
        gist_p& page,
        int slots[],
        int numSlots);

    rc_t updateKey(
        gist_p& page,
        int& slot,
        const vec_t& newKey);

    void findMinPen(
        const gist_p& page,
        const vec_t& key,
        const vec_t& data,
        int& slot);

    void search(
        gist_p& page,
        const void* query,
        int matches[],
        int& numMatches);

    void getKey(
        gist_p& page,
        int slot,
        vec_t& key);

    rc_t pickSplit(
        gist_p& page,
        int rightEntries[],
        int& numRight,
        const vec_t& oldBp,
        vec_t& leftBp,
        vec_t& rightBp,
        const vec_t& entry1,
        bool& oneGoesRight,
        const vec_t& entry2,
        bool& twoGoesRight);

    void unionPage(
        gist_p& page,
        vec_t& bp,
        bool& bpChanged); 

    void unionKey(
        vec_t& bp,
        int level, 
        const vec_t& pred,
        bool &bpChanged);

    bool check(
        const vec_t& bp,
        const vec_t& pred,
        int level);

    void printPred(
        const vec_t& pred,
        int level);

    void printData(
        const vec_t& data);

Appendix A.4: gist_unorderedn_t

class gist_unorderedn_ext_t : public gist_ext_t {

    gist_unordered_ext_t& ext;

    rc_t insert(
        gist_p& page,
        const vec_t& key,
        const vec_t& data,
        shpid_t child);

    rc_t remove(
        gist_p& page,
        int slots[],
        int numSlots);

    rc_t updateKey(
        gist_p& page,
        int& slot,
        const vec_t& newKey);

    void findMinPen(
        const gist_p& page,
        const vec_t& newKey,
        const vec_t& data,
        int& slot);

    void search(
        gist_p& page,
        const void* query,
        int matches[],
        int& numMatches);

    void getKey(
        gist_p& page,
        int slot,
        vec_t& key);

    rc_t pickSplit(
        gist_p& page,
        int rightEntries[],
        int& numRight,
        const vec_t& oldBp,
        vec_t& leftBp,
        vec_t& rightBp,
        const vec_t& entry1,
        bool& oneGoesRight,
        const vec_t& entry2,
        bool& twoGoesRight);

    void unionPage(
        gist_p& page,
        vec_t& bp,
        bool& bpChanged); 

    void unionKey(
        vec_t& bp,
        int level, 
        const vec_t& pred,
        bool &bpChanged);

    bool check(
        const vec_t& bp,
        const vec_t& pred,
        int level);

    void printPred(
        const vec_t& pred,
        int level);

    void printData(
        const vec_t& data);

    gist_unorderedn_ext_t(gist_unordered_ext_t& ext);


Appendix A.5: gist_unordered_t

class gist_predcursor_t {

    struct entry {
        const void *key;
        int keyLen;

    // + 2: for new entries
    const int maxElems = gist_p::max_scnt + 2;
    int numElems;
    entry elems[maxElems];


    // make cursor return predicate
    void add(const void* data, int len);

    // make cursor return keys on page (except for BP)
    void add(gist_p& page);

    // start from the beginning
    void reset();

class gist_unordered_ext_t  {

    // consistent: evaluates pred w.r.t. query
    virtual bool consistent(
        const void* query,
        const void* pred,
        int predLen,
        int level) = 0; // at what level was that predicate found (leaf = 1)

    // returns insertion penalty of new key into subtree
    virtual void penalty(
        const void* subtreePred,
        int predLen,
        int level, // at what level was that predicate found
        const void* newKey,
        int keyLen,
        gist_penalty_t& p) = 0;

    // union the newly inserted pred to the BP;
    // the length of the old bp is 
    // indicate if BP changed;
    virtual void union_key(
        void* bp, // in: old BP, out: updated BP
        int& len, // in: length of old BP; out: length of changed BP
        int level, // level of page where BP is on
        const void* newPred, // leaf-type predicate
        int newLen, // length of predicate
        bool& changed  // out: true if bp changed
    ) = 0;

    // union all the keys on a single page
    // done after an item was deleted;
    // indicate if BP changed;
    virtual void union_page(
        void* bp, int &len, int level, // level of BP
        gist_predcursor_t& pcursor,
        bool& changed) = 0;

    // Determine which entries go on the new sibling after a split 
    // (the indices of the entries that should be moved right are stored in rightEntries,
    // their number in numRight; the indices are returned by gist_predcursor_t::fetch() and do
    // not have to be stored in the order delivered by fetch() in rightEntries);
    // compute the new BPs for both nodes
    // (can't do it with union, because we might need to know the BP of the 
    // other sibling).
    // If the old BP is NULL, we're splitting the root; the bounds should
    // be assumed to be infinite in this case.
    virtual void pickSplit(
        gist_predcursor_t& pcursor, // used to retrieve entries for page
        int level, // level of page (1 = leaf)
        int rightEntries[], // out: store indices of entries to go on right sibling
        int& numRightEntries, // out: store number of entries to go right
        const void* oldBp, // pre-split BP of original page
        int oldLen, // length of pre-split BP
        void* leftBp, // out: new BP of original page
        int& leftLen, // out: length of new left BP
        void* rightBp, // out: new BP of new right sibling
        int& rightLen) // out: length of new right BP
        = 0;

    // Return true if the predicate is contained by the BP.
    // Used during gist_t::check() to verify the integrity of 
    // the node's content.
    virtual bool check(
        const void* bp, // BP on page
        int bplen, // length of BP
        const void* pred, // single entry's predicate
        int predlen, // length of predicate
        int level) // level of page
        = 0;

    virtual void printPred(
        const void* pred,
        int plen,
        int level) // level of page where pred is stored
        = 0;

    virtual void printData(
        const void* data,
        int dlen)
        = 0;

Appendix A.6: rt_ext_t

class rt_ext_t : public gist_unordered_ext_t {

    const int numLvl = 2; // only 2 levels to distinguish: leaf/non-leaf

    typedef bool (*CmpFct)(const void *, int, const void *);
        // any point/rect comparison function

    // function table: one for each operator, possible argument type
    // and leaf/internal level
    typedef CmpFct CmpFctTbl[numLvl][rt_query_t::rt_numarg][rt_query_t::rt_numoper];

    CmpFctTbl cmpFcts; // for consistent()

    // for penalty()/pickSplit()/union_key():
    // expand rect with rect/pt
    typedef void (*ExpandFct)(rt_rect &r, const void *item, int len); 
    ExpandFct expand;

    // for pickSplit()
    typedef double (*DistanceFct)(const void *item1, const void *item2, int len);
    DistanceFct dist; // compute the distance between two rects/pts
    typedef int (*DimFct)(int dataSz); // returns dimension of points/rects
    DimFct dim;
    typedef void (*RectFct)(rt_rect &r, const void *item, int len);
    RectFct copyRect; // creates rect from pt/rect

    rt_ext_t(CmpFctTbl tbl, ExpandFct exp, DistanceFct distance, DimFct dim,
       RectFct rf);

    bool consistent(
        const void  *query,
        const void *pred,
        int predLen,
        int level);

    void penalty(
        const void *subtreePred,
        int predLen,
        int level,
        const void *newKey,
        int keyLen,
        gist_penalty_t &p);

    void union_key(
        void *bp,
        int &len,
        int level,
        const void *newPred,
        int newLen,
        bool &changed);

    void union_page(
        void *bp,
        int &len,
        int level, 
        gist_predcursor_t &pcursor,
        bool &changed);

    void pickSplit(
        gist_predcursor_t &pcursor,
        int level,
        int rightEntries[] /*out*/,
        int &numRightEntries /*out*/,
        const void *oldBp,
        int oldLen,
        void *leftBp /*out*/,
        int &leftLen /*in/out*/,
        void *rightBp /*out*/,
        int &rightLen /*int/out*/);
    bool check(
        const void *bp, 
        int bplen, 
        const void *pred, 
        int predlen, 
        int level); 

    void printPred(
        const void *pred,
        int plen,
        int level); 

    void printData(
        const void *data,
        int dlen);


Appendix B: gist_p.h

 * Basic page structure for all pages.
struct page_s {
    struct slot_t {
        int2 offset;            // -1 if vacant
        uint2 length;

    class space_t {
        space_t()       {};
        ~space_t()      {};

        void init(int);
        int nfree() const;
        int                     usable();
                                // slot_bytes means bytes for new slots
        rc_t                    acquire(int amt, int slot_bytes);
        void                    release(int amt);

        void _check_reserve();
        int2    _nfree;         // free space counter

    enum {
        data_sz = (SM_PAGESIZE 
                   - sizeof(lpid_t)
                   - sizeof(space_t)
                   - 3 * sizeof(int2)
                   - 2 * sizeof(slot_t)
                   - 2 * sizeof(int2)),
        max_slot = data_sz / sizeof(slot_t) + 2

    lpid_t      pid;                    // id of the page
    space_t     space;                  // space management
    uint2       end;                    // offset to end of data area
    int2        nslots;                 // number of slots
    int2        nvacant;                // number of vacant slots
    char        data[data_sz];          // must be aligned
    slot_t      reserved_slot[1];       // 2nd slot (declared to align
                                        // end of _data)
    slot_t      slot[1];                // 1st slot

class keyrec_t {
    struct hdr_s {
        uint2   klen;
        uint2   elen;
        shpid_t child;

    const char* key() const;
    const char* elem() const;
    const char* sep() const;
    smsize_t klen() const;
    smsize_t elen() const;
    smsize_t slen() const;
    smsize_t rlen() const;
    shpid_t child() const;
    hdr_s       _hdr;
    char*       _body() const;

struct gistctrl_t {
    lpid_t      root;
    int2        level;  // leaf if 1, non-leaf if > 1


class gist_p {
    typedef page_s::slot_t slot_t;

    enum {
        data_sz = page_s::data_sz,
        max_slot = data_sz / sizeof(slot_t) + 2

    enum {
        max_tup_sz = data_sz / 3 - sizeof(slot_t) - sizeof(keyrec_t),
            // 1 BP and 2 entries minimum
        max_scnt = (data_sz - sizeof(gistctrl_t)) / 
            (sizeof(keyrec_t) + sizeof(slot_t)) + 1
            // max # of slots on a page


    rc_t                        format(
        const lpid_t                pid,
        const gistctrl_t            *hdr);

    rc_t                        insert(
        const keyrec_t              &tup);

    rc_t                        copy(gist_p& rsib);

    rc_t                        set_hdr(const gistctrl_t& new_hdr);
    int                         level() const;
    void                        root(lpid_t& r) const;
    shpid_t                     root() const;

    bool                        is_leaf() const;
    bool                        is_node() const;
    bool                        is_root() const;

    // Gist-specific record access:
    // masks the BP, so that the first entry on the page has idx = 0;
    // the BP can be accessed with idx = -1
    const int                   bpSlot = -1;
    const keyrec_t&             rec(int idx) const;
    int                         rec_size(int idx) const;
    int                         nrecs() const;

    // the slot index is automatically corrected if a BP is present on the page
    rc_t                        insert(
        const cvec_t&               key, 
        const cvec_t&               el, 
        int                         slot, 
        shpid_t                     child = 0);
    rc_t                        remove(int slot);


    bool                        is_fixed() const;
    gist_p&                     operator=(const gist_p& p);
    smsize_t                    usable_space();
    const lpid_t&               pid() const;

    rc_t                        insert_expand(
        int                         idx,
        int                         cnt, 
        const cvec_t                tp[]);
    rc_t                        remove_compress(int idx, int cnt);
    rc_t                        overwrite(
        int                         idx,
        int                         start,
        const cvec_t&               data);

    // state
    page_s*                     _pp;
    gist_file::page_descr*      descr;

    friend class gist;
    // what I really meant was:
    //friend rc_t gist::_fix_page(gist_p &page, shpid_t pageNo);
    //friend rc_t gist::_unfix_page(gist_p &page);

    void                        _compress(int idx = -1);

    // formerly from page_p
    inline smsize_t             used_space();
    smsize_t                    contig_space();
    smsize_t                    tuple_size(int idx) const;
    void*                       tuple_addr(int idx) const;
    inline bool                 is_tuple_valid(int idx) const;
    const void*                 get_hdr() const;

Appendix C: vec_t.h


#define CADDR_T const unsigned char *

struct vec_pair_t {
    CADDR_T     ptr;
    size_t      len;

struct VEC_t {
    int         _cnt;
    size_t      _size;
    vec_pair_t* _base;  // pointer to beginning of _pair or malloced
                        // space
    vec_pair_t  _pair[MAX_SMALL_VEC_SIZE];

class cvec_t : protected VEC_t {
    friend class vec_t; // so vec_t can look at VEC_t
    enum dummy_enumid { max_small = MAX_SMALL_VEC_SIZE };
    cvec_t() {
        _cnt = 0;
        _size = 0;
        _base = &_pair[0];
    cvec_t(const cvec_t& v1, const cvec_t& v2) {
        _base= &_pair[0];
        set(v1, v2);
    cvec_t(const void* p, size_t l) {
        _base = &_pair[0];
        set(p, l);

    bool _is_large() const {return _base != &_pair[0];}
    cvec_t& put(const void* p, size_t l);
    cvec_t& put(const cvec_t& v);
    cvec_t& reset()  {
        _cnt = _size = 0;
        return *this;
    cvec_t& set(const cvec_t& v1, const cvec_t& v2)  {
        return reset().put(v1).put(v2);
    cvec_t& set(const void* p, size_t l)  {
        return reset().put(p, l);

    size_t size() const {
        return _size;

    size_t copy_to(void* p, size_t limit = 0x7fffffff) const;

class vec_t : public cvec_t {
    vec_t() : cvec_t()  {};
    vec_t(const cvec_t& v1, const cvec_t& v2) : cvec_t(v1, v2)  {};
    vec_t(const void* p, size_t l) : cvec_t(p, l)       {};
    //vec_t(const vec_t& v, size_t offset, size_t limit)
    //: cvec_t(v, offset, limit)        {};

    void*       ptr(int index) const { return (index >= 0 && index < _cnt) ? 
                                        (void*)_base[index].ptr : NULL; }
    size_t      len(int index) const { return (index >= 0 && index < _cnt) ? 
                                        _base[index].len : 0; }

Comments, questions and suggestions may be directed to

Last modified: $Date: 2001/03/21 22:01:41 $ by $Author: aoki $.